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Shopify Commerce & Cocktails:
Migrating to Shopify Plus

Register your details below

This event is designed for enterprise retail leaders interested in potentially migrating to Shopify Plus, or to explore the latest updates and benefits. Registrations will be evaluated and one of our team will send a confirmation following registration. Registration does not guarantee admittance. Strictly no sales activity permitted. Event location will be sent via email with the registration confirmation.

My current ecommerce platform is:
What is your annual GMV range (in USD):
You agree that Shopify and/or Wave Commerce will contact you after registering for this event. Your personal information will be processed in accordance withShopify's privacy policyandWave Commerce's privacy policy.
You have successfully registered your details for our event,
Migrating to Shopify Plus!

Our team will reach out to you within 24 hours to secure your spot and provide further event details.

Thank you, and looking forward to seeing you soon.
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